St James

Scottish Episcopal Church in Leith Edinburgh

Advent services

Sunday 22nd Dec

Communion service 11 am

Carol service 6.30 pm (followed by mulled wine)

Tuesday 24th Dec Christmas Eve

Crib service 4 pm.

Midnight Communion Service 11:30 pm

Wednesday 25th Dec Christmas Day

Family service 11 am

All are welcome here

These words are inscribed on the stone lintel above our front door; they're as true today as when they were first carved on the wall of one of our previous church buildings hundreds of years ago.

Through our values we endeavour to:

A Prayer for the Holy Land

Broken hearted God, your ways are ways of gentleness and all your paths are peace.

Speak to the hearts of those intent on hatred and extermination.

Open the borders that aid may reach those most desperate.

Visit the hungry, thirsty, injured and terrified with the transforming grace of your Holy Spirit.

Uphold all who have experienced horror and fear worse to come.

Empower the international community that it may bring reason and understanding to all amid grief and loss.

Make of this crisis a moment of truth, that in devastation people may resolve on a different path, and in despair people may find a new hope.

Change the souls of us all that we might see through our enemy our only path to you.

In Christ who was broken that we might be made whole. 


Gaza news and truth-sourcing

IT HAS long been said that truth is the first casualty in war. In the age of digital technology, social media, AI and deep fakes, that awful reality has been turbo-charged. The continuing bombardment and assault on Gaza and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are prime examples here. Link to article

St James upholds the efforts of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Click Here